Landtag Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein: Adoption by same-sex couples

The Liechtenstein Parliament opens the way for adoption by same-sex couples ...
Ciccio & Raphi

Ciccio & Raphi

For a long time they could only dream of their own children. Today, thanks to two surrogate mothers, Ciccio and ...
Johnny und Stefan

Gay fathers – 2 children and another baby

Johnny and Stefan have fulfilled a dream as a gay couple - they have become parents ...
Einfach nur Familie sein

Why can’t we just be family?

Mothers who unintentionally are considered single parents just because their partner is not a man - that is the everyday ...
Eizellenspende soll legalisiert werden

Egg donation should be legalized

The responsible National Council Commission has clearly approved the matter in principle. Nevertheless, many hurdles remain. The trigger for the ...
Danke Schweiz!

Thank you Switzerland!

We are very happy about the clear result on marriage for all! We congratulate the Swiss people on this decision ...